Wednesday, November 08, 2006

It's really here.

Fall/Winter/Holidays, it all feels like it's here.

Today will be a great day. I feel like I used to pick up Lily and her diaper bag at the drop of a hat and go meet my girlfriends, but I've been lacking in that area for quite some time. Luckily, I'm going down to Decatur to meet Jenna for lunch and get Lily's carseat back. Then I will probably swing by Old Navy and Target. I love these relaxing days!

Nothing new to really post, but thought I would put up some recent pictures of us. Have a great day!


Jenna Bean said...

too bad we didn't get pics to document saturday night...oh well

kat said...

i have the dress stacey is wearing! haha. mine is blue though. cute pictures of lily. i need to hit up old navy. none of what i'm saying makes sense together. have a good weekend if i don't see you at school tomorrow!