Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Thanksgiving dinner(s)

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Saturday: Meet my dad and brother coming back from Mississippi along with my sisters for dinner (aka our Thanksgiving dinner)

Wednesday: Dinner at my mother's house with said brothers and sisters

Thursday: Dinner at Troy and Michelle's (with a few other vagabonds thrown into the mix).

Are you full yet? I get full just thinking about it...and I'm tempted to buy the next size up of jeans. I may need it!!

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

I just bought my Thanksgiving directions, but when I drove home through downtown Powder Springs today, they were hanging up the wreaths on the lamp posts.

I'm tired of this holiday rat race. Slow down!!! Put your turkey decorations out, damnit!! Thus, my festive post.

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics


Andy said...

Oh those vagabonds...

Jenna Bean said...

Enjoy it while you can!

Also, I never knew that Powder Springs had a down-town...sweet.

kat said...

i know decatur decorated last week for christmas! frustrating. i really like thanksgiving.

Jenna Bean said...

Personally, I enjoy the sparkling wreaths on the lamp posts...it gives it a very small town feel, and I love it! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but I still think they need to wait till the day after thanksgiving to put those wreathes up, no matter how pretty they are.

kat said...

I am going to love them on thanksgiving night, just until then they just wont count in my book.