Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween...(for lack of a creative title)

Trick or treating yesterday...

Lily finally "decided" to dress up as Cinderella. I took lots of pictures, but I'm still on disposable cameras as my digital is messed up, so it will be a few days before I get them developed. Best-done by Friday, Worst-Next week.

I can paint a picture...? She wore a white turtleneck under her thin blue "dress" which was actually two pieces, she had on tights, and her princess shoes that lit up. I put her hair in a Cinderella bun (thanks to lots of hairspray) and tied a makeshift headband on with some ribbon. She even had on glitter eyeshadow and some pink lipstick!

She did alright--she kept saying she was scared, so we would walk up to every door and hope that some jerk didn't have a scary mask on. I think we only encountered maybe one, and Lily responded in a wavering voice, "Tick or teat!" which cracked me and Shane up every time.

Lily received lots of candy...I don't know what to do with it all. Do you want some?

All the kids we went with were so cute! We rode around on a makeshift hayride pulled by our neighboor and friend, Michael. There were princesses, cheerleaders, cowgirls, little devils, 50's girls, Spidermans, and zombie doctors. Some of the adults dressed up too, and now I wish I did.

Today Lily is FINALLY getting her two year old potrait taken at the Picture People. Since I didn't get a one year old potrait done, I am very excited. On the wall she'll have her 1 month picture, and her two year old, haha, oh well. She's wearing the super cute ballet dress that Stacy got her for her birthday. Once I get those back, I'll be able to scan them into the computer for everyone to see. But you might get a framed one as a Christmas present. Sorry.

Here's to a calm rest of the week!


kat said...

I'm excited to see the pictures! It sounds like she was adorable. Were you able to remove her mural?

Andy said...

Best episode of Desperate Housewives ever...