Friday, October 27, 2006

Rainy day=wishful hibernation

Ah, I would love to curl up and watch a movie today or read two of the books Shane's aunt Michelle gave me.

...but I have to go to work later!

What's been happening with me? Not a whole lot of exciting stuff. As far as school goes, I had a test Thursday that I feel semi-confident about, and I also had a two minute presentation in History that went just fine. (Thanks for your art advice Katherine, even though I didn't put it to good use. We have another one of these things due later, and I plan to look at the Andy Warhol stuff you sent me!)

Two odd circumstances:

On Wednesday, I was cleaning out my car in my driveway, and I hear a woman screaming for help. "Somebody, help me please! HELP!" Oddly, my body's instinct caused me to run a few yards towards the voice when I stopped and actually thought. Lily was inside asleep, my house was completely unlocked, Shane's little brother, Chase, was outside throwing the frisbee for Cricket. And it COULD be dangerous. By the time my mind stopped racing, the voice had stopped. I felt powerless. Should I have called the police? I woke up the next morning hearing her voice.

Then, on Thursday, as Katie and I were walking into school, we walked by the Baptist Student Center and watched a man break the driver side window of a car, reach inside, and pull out a girl's purse. We sort of stood there, speechless. Another girl ran inside to tell the people in there what had happened. Katie and I just sort of stood there with our mouths hanging open.

I feel like I'm on less intense episodes of Law and Order lately!

On a happy note...

Last night I went to my friend Lesley's house for about an hour. She has a two year old who is teeny! I thought Lily was small, this little girl is so little! She is super cute though. I gave her some of Lily's hand me downs, and I promised some more too. They played alright for a little bit, they were suspicious of each other, and I don't think Haley appreciated Lily playing with her toys. But, they live so close, right down the road in fact, so it's nice for Lily to have a playmate. Lily will be starting school with her in January, which is exciting!

Everyone have a wonderful weekend!


kat said...

maybe that little girl is a primordial dwarf.

seriously your life is like tv! exciting or bad I don't know which. have a good time at work this weekend!

Jenna Bean said...

So call me please!

I may reconsider shutting down my blog just for you!