Monday, October 23, 2006

A Brief Moment of Downtime

Sometimes, my life is just too boring to post about. I can only post about work and school so much. Not complaining of course, uneventful weeks are often good weeks.

A few exciting thing...

My car is finally fixed. It looks great, the body shop did an excellent job.

I made a B+ and an A on two of my papers.

Lily has become fascinated with watching squirrels play, and she says, "Come here little squirts!" instead of squirrels, which we think is very very funny.


I've recently watched The Skelton Key, The Break Up, and Click. Out of all of those, I would recommend the Skelton Key.

We're gearing up for Halloween...we're still in need of taking Lily to a pumpkin patch though. Lily is being a little cheerleader this year, I don't know if I've already mentioned that.

Looking ahead:

My brother comes home for Thanksgiving in about a month, which I am super excited about. Thanksgiving is always a time of too much though: too much food, too much driving, too much...but the family time is great! Thinking about Thanksgiving and then Christmas makes me feel very weird, and I don't know if I'm ready for Christmas yet. The thought of the long hours at work, the relentless holiday tunes, and the high credit card bills are drowning out the magic of the season already. It will be here in no time though...

Have a good one!!


kat said...

awww... good job on your papers!

i'm really excited about the holidays, but I can see why you wouldn't be. Perhaps you'll catch the holiday cheer?

Jenna Bean said...

I've been telling you to watch Skeleton Key for years

Yes, I hope you catch the Holiday cheer because Christmas is the best time of the year!

Stacy Ekmark said...

Hey. It was so good to catch up the other day. What are your plans for Sunday a.m? I have a plan...