Sunday, September 24, 2006


I haven't posted in a long time. I have lots to put in that I want to remember, so bear with me if this becomes a laundry list.

What has been going on?

***Well last Tuesday, my baby, Lillian Grace, turned two! At her two year old checkup, she weighed 26 pounds (she gained 6 pounds this year!) and she is in the 40% for weight and the 60% for height. She is doing fabulous. When she got her shot, she got mad and told the nurse, Stop that hurts! But once she got a sticker, she was happy. We took her out for pizza at Mellow Mushroom, and we even let her eat a little bit of ice cream when she got home. Her birthday party is next Saturday. Sometimes I am hit with amazement that I have this awesome two year old.

***Jenna turned 21! She had a fabulous party on Friday night. I got her a sunflower cake at Publix, and a shirt and two mugs that reminded me of her. I didn't get to stay long, but I am happy that everyone came out to celebrate her birthday. Katherine was a super host, and Jenna was a lovely birthday girl.

***Speaking of birthdays, Shane's mom had a birthday yesterday. During the day, we went to Madison, Georgia and ate at the Blue Willow Inn. Reminded me how I originally wanted to name Lily "Willow" and Shane nixed it. We peeked in a few shops in the town, and enjoyed the day. We also had Shane's mom's big 40 birthday party last night. We tried to give her a few suprises like decorating outside with streamers, a suprise cake, etc. Brittany got her a pink rose, and Shane's brother, Rocky, stole the show when he brought Lisa a huge, beautiful boquet of roses and she chocked up. Both the older sons had to dance the obligatory birthday slowdance with Lisa, but they were good sports, and we all cheered them on. When I danced with Shane, I realized I hadn't danced with him since my 11th grade prom. Sad! Either I shrunk or he grew ALOT because I could hardly reach. Everyone said for my wedding I better have high heels on. :)

Besides birthdays, what can I post? Hmm...

***School is going well.

***I am no longer going to Philadelphia, but we are going somewhere neat after Christmas called St. Marco Island with my aunt and uncle, if all goes as planned.

***I just found out my dad is moving to Virginia, so he will be alot closer. He got a big promotion, and we are very excited that he will be close! He's actually coming to visit on Wednesday, so I hope everything goes well and he likes the house.

It's 9 15 and Lily and Shane are still asleep. We have to go pay my cell phone bill today and get some groceries and then just take it easy. This week is projects around the house to prepare for my dad's visit and Lily's birthday.

Have a good one!


kat said...

That's a lot of news for one post. It's all good though. It was good seeing you friday!

Andy said...

a lot of birthdays, did you like DH? I thought it was a great episode.

Jenna Bean said...

Thanks for my presents and my beautiful cake!