Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Why is it so hard for me to...

EDIT: The below post does not relate to any of my blog readers, as far as I know. I just didn't want to put names in or specific incidents. The post was only my train of thought. Thanks.


...stop and "smell the roses?"

...realize how lucky and great I truly am?

...understand that unvacuumed rugs and unswept floors CAN wait?

...see that Lily isn't going to stay little forever?

...accept that people change and friends come and go?

...stop stressing out about mundane things?

...develop better study habits?

...manage my money better?

...embrace the ones who love me and let go of the ones who don't?

Just some questions for myself.


kat said...

lily is so cute in those pictures! Perhaps I can help you understand that unswept/rugs floors can wait, it seems to be my talent.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I think I'm going to create a new blog and re-join the blogging world! I just deleted my old one a couple weeks ago. I'll keep you posted....

Jenna Bean said...

I got Lily a really cute bday present...you guys should come to Decatur next week...she'll LOVE the gift...hint: it's Dora-related.