Wednesday, September 13, 2006

It's crying outside.

According to Lily.

I just looked out the window at the garabage men working in the rain, and I sometimes feel so foolish and selfish for ever complaining about my life. Silly, silly of me.

Well, it's hump day, and I am rather relaxed. Yesterday was school, and Moe's with Katie. Errands and appointments later today, which I don't feel like going to and doing, but I must. Lily is wearing panties today, and hasn't had any accidents, but hasn't gone potty yet either. I will keep everyone posted, as I'm sure you're all dying in suspense.

Looking forward to the Braves game on Friday for Josh's birthday. Hopefully the rain will be gone by then.

We have alot to do around here before Lily's special day--we're pressure washing the back deck, doing major yardwork in the front and back, cleaning out the garage and pressure washing the floor with bleach, changing the light fixture in the kitchen, etc. It's going to be an AWESOME day though. Pray for good weather.

Considering watching The Joy Luck Club today. Odd?


Jenna Bean said...

Our lives are truly blessed.

Andy said...

That is cute what Lily said about the crying outside