Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Pour me something strong and tall

Today was my first day back at school. Finally feels like home-familiar, friends, etc. The mob of people in the courtyard and the rap music didn't bother me too much, and Katherine and I seriously considered jumping in and dancing. Well, sort of.

Lily is challenging me lately, and I'm yelling. I need to regroup with her. It's difficult when Shane goes against what I say, or does something with her that I don't think helps (i.e. trying to "make" her eat her dinner, you can't make a child do that.) Lily turns 2 in September, so please mark your calenders for a Dora party. We'll have a pinata and cook fajitas and we may have a few other little activities outside, weather permitting. I'm dreading the terrible twos...I assume it only gets worse, and she is really naughty. Ask Jenna from yesterday...

Speaking of which, I had the most lovely day with Jenna! We hit up Stevie B's (douglasville version of Cicis) and went and got my free Victoria Secret panties. Jenna bought an adorable dress, and we both got a few odds and ends at Old Time Pottery. She stayed for dinner and it was just wonderful! We're hoping to plan a couples lake house trip with our friends Brittany and Jarrett. Yay for the fall! I can't wait to wear tights and sweaters and have less frizz in my hair!

1 comment:

Jenna Bean said...

yea! I'm so looking forward to planning lake couples weekends...fun times! Beau won't eat 90% of the day and Meg called Beau's doctor (when I was there) and he said as long as Beau is healthy and strong, somedays he just may not eat...and the next day he will eat. So, don't stress, if she doesn't eat, she doesn't eat!