Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Fun filled Weekend

Lily yesterday in Athens...
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Another week. My last week before school starts. It's hard to be excited about buying new pencils and notebooks. Sigh...

This past weekend was fun. Friday night we went out with friends Brittany and Jarrett from the neighborhood for dinner and drinks. The drinks then continued at my place, but we still had a fairly early night. Saturday I chilled out for quite awhile. Shane went out and bought him a new gun...shudder. As long as he knows how to use it and I don't have to deal with it, I'm fine. Then, we took Lily to his mom's house and we went to Katherine's birthday, which was super fun, and Jenna was a lovely hostess. Sunday was also chill out day.

To make up for a relaxing weekend, this coming weekend I am working Friday and Saturday and more than likely not, Sunday too. I am also watching my sisters while my mom takes my brother to school! Tomorrow, I am having a farewell till Fall Break day with him, which includes lunch and buying school clothes.

1 comment:

Jenna Bean said...

I can come to D'ville sometime soon...I don't work next Tuesday, but I do work this Saturday night and the next, so just let me know what day(s) are good for you!