Monday, August 28, 2006

NYC Timeline

Timeline of our trip--pictures later this afternoon.

Friday 1 30-Arrive in Newark
10 minute drive to my dad's high rise apartments, located in Jersey City. Jersey City and New York City are divided by the Hudson River, so when you look out his living room window, you have an AMAZING view of the NYC skyline.

Friday 4 30-Take train into NYC
10 minute train ride to the city where you actually go UNDER the Hudson to get to the city. Come out in Greenwich Village, which has a rather alternative lifestyle population. Shane was cool about it though, and it was super artsy and super cool.

Dinner in Greenwich Village in an authentic NYC city dinner!

Walked by New York University and then took the Subway to Central Park, where there was live opera. Lily looved the horse drawn carriages. Walked down 5th Avenue--very nice. Then went into Times Square around 9ish and all the neon was overwhelming!


Started off the day in Tribeca and ate at a delicious breakfast place called Bubbys. Awesome awesome!

Walked a TON! First walked to Ground Zero, which gets me every time. Shane was in awe . Then walked to Battery Park, where you get a great view of the Empire State Building. Then went to the Financial District and Wall Street. Then traveled to Seaport, and loaded up on teeshirts for family. Saw the Brooklyn Bridge. Then traveled into China Town and Little Italy, which was VERY crowded. Finished the day back at my dad's apartment chilling out and going out for a bite to eat.

Awesome trip! The pretzels at those vendors are stale and cold though!! Pictures shall come later.

1 comment:

kat said...

sounds like fun!