Friday, September 01, 2006

New month, nothing new.

Felt a desire to blog today. Not really sure why. Nothing particularly interesting or good happening.

This week has been, well, another week. I don't really know what to say. I relaxed on Monday, went to school on Tuesday, worked Wednesday, went to school on Thursday, and worked today. Very blah. Other than that I've just been a parent to my daughter, focused on cleaning and keeping the house together, and I just got my phone back after not having it for a week. It deleted all my phone numbers.

I'm going to Philadelphia in October, and I'm really excited about that. I just have to make my plane reservations soon.

I'm trying to join a Student Support thing at Georgia State and join a group of students who are also parents. Stacy told me about it, and I think it's just what I need.

Umm...what else. Nothing else.

Labor Day, nice long weekend.