Thursday, July 13, 2006

Home for the day...

1. Kissed someone and regretted it?: On several occasions
2. Fallen off the bed?: I guess when I was five. Or drunk. Oh yeah once I fell off the bed at this hotel where I was at with Shane, and Erin Bagdy and her old boyfriend, and I hit my lip on the radiator and got a split lip.
3. Broken someone's heart?: Maybe one or two along the way, I sort of doubt it.
4. Had your heart broken?: I've had a few letdowns, but nothing crazy
5. Had a dream come true?: Yes yes
6. Done something you regret?: Many many things

1. Wearing?: my pjs...and ta-da! my Bolles shirt
2. Like anyone?: Yes
3. Have any piercings?: 4
4. Drive?: way too much
5. Ever Smoked?: si
6. Tattoos?: pass

1. Hugged?: my baby lily
2. Kissed?: Shane last night
3. IMed?: nobody today
4. Talked on the phone to? Lisa last night
5. Yelled at?: the dogs

1. What do you/did you want to be when you finish(ed) school?: make money
2. What has been the best day of your life?: hmm...I can't say having lily because honestly, I hardly remember, I was just loving that Percocet, but once I got her home and examined her and got control of what I was doing, I sure was happy.
3. What comes first in your life?: my family
4. What are you most scared of?: bugs and being alone
5. What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: everything I have to do the next day
6. Did you lose someone you really loved?: no
7. Love your family?: see number 3

1. Movie: Legends of the Fall
2. Song: Baba O'Reilley by the Who
3. Ice Cream Flavor: Pistachio almond
4. Fruit: strawberries
5. Candy: Reeses
6. Day of the Week: friday night and saturday
7. Color: pink or blue

1. Like to give hugs?: sure
2. Like to walk in the rain?: no
3. Prefer black or blue pens?: black i guess
4. Like to travel?: love it! need more $$$ for it
5. Sleep on your side?: sometimes
6. Have a goldfish?: no, we do have a fish tank with fish in it though
7. Ever have the falling dream?: frequently
8. Have stuffed animals?: lily does

1. Pierced nose or tongue?: pass
2. MTV or BET?: MTV
3. 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek?: haha neither!!
4. Sugar or salt?: salt
5. Silver or gold?: silver
6. Chocolate or flowers?: mm...both
7. Color or Black-and-white photos?: black and white.
8. M&Ms or skittles?: M and Ms
9. Stay up late or sleep in?: sleep in
10. Hot or cold?: cold
11. Ketchup or mustard?: both
12. Spring or Fall?:Fall
13. Happy or sad?: Happy
14. Wonder or amazement? Amazement
15. Mexican or italian food?: Mexican
16. O.C. or Laguna Beach?: laguna beach.

1 comment:

Jenna Bean said...

I was gonna say "Callie, you need to update your blog more often..." before I clicked on your UPDATED blog...and boy was I surprised! Well, I'm sitting here drinking a Miller Lite and "helping" Bobby install my blinds...and I wish you lived down the road...