Monday, July 10, 2006

Giving everyone an update!

Whew, return from a weekend. Thought I would post an update...

Thursday evening, I worked overnight at the Gap at Northpoint at a "folding party" to prepare their store for a big visit. A coworker I like alot, Heather, came with me, so it was sort of fun...The store looked really really good. Gap fall clothes are starting to come in.

So I tried to sleep Friday morning. I think I got a good 4.5 hours before Lacey brought Lily in to me because Lily wanted me. Lily and I got dressed and went to Jenna's for the day. Her apartment is soooo cute! I love love love it Jen! Bobby, Lily's favorite, was there, so she got to see him. I fell asleep on Jenna's couch for a few seconds, and then we went to Edgewood to Barnes and Noble for coffee revival and some smart clearance shopping at Target. We finished the day at Wolfgang Puck Express with Katherine and Bobby. My sandwich was awesome as usual, but Lily's pizza was not so hot.

Saturday, I rested most of the day, and then we went to Red Lobster for a late lunch before I had to go to work at 5. Shane and Lily went to Troys for a cookout and some fight on TV. I got over there around 11, but then I stayed till 5 am in the morning. Ohh I was in the doghouse. I was out waaaaay tooooo late. Bad girl. My lack of sleep continued. Sunday, I was hurting pretty bad, but I managed to go with Shane to visit Sharlene, his mother. Shane suprised me by buying us a new BED!!!! This is a very very big deal. All my friends who have spent the night with me joke that my bed is like sleeping on a rock. Number one-I got the bed when I was 5, so the mattress was 15 years old. Number 2-It's a full sized bed, and Shane isn't one for snuggling all night long. So we got our new bed--off Craig's list, by the way , Jenna, and it is sooo nice! It's a sleighbed that's a dark oak, and it's a queen. I was very pleased. We bought new bedding last night too. It was all I could do to cook some leftovers and get Lily to bed before I proceeded to sleep for 12 hours. But I feel good now.

This is a busy week. I'm cleaning today, community service tomorrow (bah! just for rear ending someone, stupid!) working Wednesday and Thursday morning, and then I finish up my TLC program with class on Friday night and a meeting Saturday morning. That will be quite the relief, I swear.

Super long post! But I felt like I finally had to post something worthwhile.


Jenna Bean said...

Congrats on the bed! It sounds lovely...props to Shane. My mom insists on buying me a new mattress for my birthday because it is older than I am...they just got new mattresses at home and I literally fall asleep each time I sit down...hopefully yours is like that because the old one definetly wasn't cutting it!

Jenna Bean said...

Hey...I got your message about Thursday...I work until 2 and then I have to do errands and such...but Bobby is coming over for dinner that night at my apartment...I am attempting to cook, again...but I'd love to coordinate something soon since I can't make it on Thursday night...Saturday maybe?

kat said...

callie your new bed sounds exciting! i think i have to be in alph. on thurs. but i'm not busy this weekend. im glad to hear community service isn't that bad.