Monday, July 17, 2006

The countdown is ON

To my birthday eek!!

I'm so excited, needless to say!

Well, where was I? When I last updated...I had off on Thursday, and Lily and I had a girl's day to ourselves. We went to Chik fil A for lunch (Lily ate all her chicken, I was so pleased) and we bought her some new fall shirts at Baby Gap. She also got to play in the kids play place at the mall, and promptly had a tantrum when we left.

Friday, I attended a Defensive Driving Class, and Saturday morning A Mother's Against Drunk Driving Forum (keep in mind this is all for a FENDER BENDER!!) At least, it is all done.

We went to Shane's cousin Garrett's skating party on Saturday, and it was alright. Lily had Dora Skates. Garrett fell on the skating floor and knocked OUT his front tooth (which was an adult tooth!)We cooked out at Troy and Michelle's and I went to bed at ten.

Sunday, we went to Ihop, grocery shopping, cleaned out the garage, at dinner at Troy and Michelle's again. Recurring theme...I need to invite them over here for dinner!

Today is unconfirmed yet. I know I'm getting a pedicure. Tomorrow I go back to court, turn in my paperwork, and bid farwell.


Jenna Bean said...

Yes, the countdown is on. You could always have Bobby and I over to dinner one night...we heart your cooking!

kat said...

i hope you had a good week without the court system! I'm getting really excited about your party!

Jenna Bean said...
