Monday, June 05, 2006

Ready to get my hands dirty

Thought I would post an update on what's been going on. Worked a good bit last week, but this week I only have around 8 hours, which isn't so good. Trying to remember what all we did this weekend-Friday I worked till 4 and then we had a cookout at Shane's parents, which was fun. Saturday, Lily went to a birthday party in the neighborhood where they had one of those bouncy things. Shane and I went to eat Mexican, which was sooo good. And Sunday, we went to Whitewater with Shane's brother and his girlfriend. It was so fun! Lily loved the wavepool and the lazy river, but the kid's area was REALLY cold, so she wasn't a huge fan. She did conquer a few small slides, so I was proud of her. She loves the water!

Today I am painting our bathroom, so I need to get going on that. Hope everyone has a great week1

1 comment:

kat said...

yes,we definantly need to hang out this week. i heard you might be coming to decatur tomorrow. call me if you do!