Friday, June 09, 2006

I'm booked.

I printed calendars off for June and July. So much is going on that I don't want to forget anything.
Unfortunately, not all of it is fun--some is rather tedious!

Yesterday, I had lunch with Jory, which is always fun. We ate at Sweet Tomatoes near Towne Center mall, and I ran into one of my managers from Gap, which was very strange, since we weren't at all close to Cumberland. Then, we went and bought Lily a potty. I made Jory tote it around the store, but I don't think he was too embarrassed. I asked him if Babys R Us made him nervous about having kids and his response? "Everything makes me nervous about having kids!" Point well taken, believe me. And side note, potty training may not start for awhile, but the potty is here in all its glory.

The rest of this week looks like so: Today I am going down to Decatur for a bit with Lily. We might go see Jen's apartment too, while we are there. We're just relaxing tonight. I'm working tomorrow morning from 9-1, and then we have to go to Shane's grandmother's house off Bankhead for a lunch thing, which should be, well, tedious like I said. Tomorrow night, Jenna is christening her apartment with Stouffer's lasagna and some beer.

I'm not sure if I'm working Sunday yet, but I am certainly getting sick of not getting to take off the weekends I need to take off! As of now, I don't know my schedule for next week, but I am going to try and finish up some of my TLC program for my ticket next week. I have to go to a defensive driving class and a MADD meeting, which should be pretty awful. My mother's birthday is coming up, Father's day is coming up, Bennett's birthday party is next weekend, then I go to Mississippi for a few days for Andrew's orientation for school, and then it's July! This summer is just flying!

Oh! And the most exciting news is that I am getting a party bus for my birthday! Brittany's friend runs one, and it's not like the Fur Bus or anything, as several people have already asked me, it's like a coach bus, complete with a bar, flat screen tvs, etc. The more people that come, the better. It's a really expensive things, so each person who comes has to pay $40. It's a good bit, but that pays for your drinks and your designated driver too! We're going to cater in some wings and yummy snacks beforehand too. I really really can't wait! If you are interested in coming (Jenna, Katherine) try and let me know, but no pressure, as I know 40 is a good chunk of change, but that's what I'm doing for my birthday!


kat said...

of course i'll come to your non-fur bus party! I'm already excited!

Jenna Bean said...

Haha I willl be having a fur bus I guess that makes up for that. Bobby and I will come. that a problem?

cal cal said...

We'll be staying on the bus. It's an all inclusive sort or thing, so no issue. we figured 40 was enough without paying to go to clubs too.

Jenna Bean said...

so no clubs?