Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Goals set, goals met.

Yesterday I completed my goal of food shopping without Shane. It went well, but I did spend alot. We have lots of food and lots of dinners to cook though. Today I cleaned the house, and it looks great! I still had time to see my mother and siblings yesterday, and Jenna today! Lovely!

Tomorrow, I work from 7-12, and I'm having a small dinner party, which should be nice. I want to touch up the bathroom ceiling where we painted first. I tend to stress myself out a bit though, but of course, things will go well. Wish I had nicer plates and such though.

Thursday I also work in the morning. I have to tell my bosses that I need a weekend off (I have to special "request" it since the day is already signed up.) Looks like we're going camping!

Friday, a poodle named Jeff is coming over. We're babysitting him for a few days. Thanks craigslist!

I'm still waiting to hear on some other babysitting jobs and a possible babysitting job for 2 rabbits...such the entreprenauer (sp?)

This weekend should be social and fun--Bennett's birthday party is on Saturday, and that evening, we're celebrating Shane's father's birthday and a neighbor, Jarretts, birthday as well.

1 comment:

kat said...

yes, we definantly need to hang out. im free except for school haha. ill talk to you tomorrow!