Friday, May 26, 2006

Seems like forever

My brother is graduating tomorrow. He went on his senior trip this week,and I was at my moms house while she was fluffing his gown. His cap and gown!! But it seems like last week that I was like oh brother, Andrew's starting high school. Does everyone remember him as Wilbour in Charlotte's Web in 6th grade?? It is SOOOOOOO crazy! He came home last night, and we just talked and talked. It's going to be alot harder on my mom and my sisters than it is on me, but we really are just so happy that he's going to Ole Miss and we are so excited for him...

Tomorrow, I'll watch Andrew graduate. I've been day dreaming all day. I remembered the day Elizabeth was born and he cried because he wanted his mommy to put that baby down and get out of bed and go on a walk with him. I remember when he fell down the stairs when he was like four and said "I feel busy" instead of dizzy. I remember when we told two year old Lacey that Cinncinati was a bad word. We would secretly watch tv shows in the basement that my mom didn't like, like Pete and Pete and Clarissa Explains it All. I remember when we both went to camp at Ogelthorpe and my dad snuck us pizzas in. I remember when he roller bladed down a big hill and totally wiped out and lost a tooth. And I remember when he went to prom with Katherine...

Andrew has been such a wonderful brother, and stepped up so much in the family when my parents split. I know its just mississippi, he's not dying, but wow, times are a changing round here.


kat said... was kind of strange.

Andy said...

that's really sweet..but i didn't lose a tooth...i didn't even chip one

cal cal said...

yes you did!