Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Boo hoo

Well this week hasn't started off so great.

I got in my first car accident yesterday. It was my fault. It really really really sucks. I'll be working all summer to put the money back in our savings. I also have to go to court the 24, and I'm hoping my ticket can get thrown out. Just the stress I need right now!

More importantly, this is the worst semester so far. I hate to have that mentality, but I haven't gotten too friendly with anyone in my classes, the drive is a bitch, and I'm not really doing well. I'm probably going to make mediocre grades. And I'm really stressing about the results of two of my tests...I'm dying to know. I have no one to babysit lily tomorrow, so I can't even go to school. Please just let this month be OVER!!!

Other than that, nothing to report. I'm cooking alot, which is good. Shane and I are getting to go to a Braves game next Monday with Josh, which will be fun. And I'm going to see Lacey's play, the Wizard of Oz, on Friday. She's a munchkin.

I want this stress to go away! Talk to me again in May.


kat said...

aww i'm sorry! At least the Braves are fun. And school is over soon isn't it? Oh well.

Jenna Bean said...

We had mediocre BBQ last week...and might be going to the Dogwood Festival...that should be fun...