Friday, March 31, 2006

Locked in

Today I started off my morning locked in our computer room. Lily had shut the door and the door knob is seriously messed up. I was locked in here for a good 30 minutes. Lily was on the other side of the door, crying and knocking. It was scary! My mom told me to call 911, Shane was on his way home to get me out, Stacy was also on the phone with me, but finally, I used a little pocket knife and jiggled the door knob so that it finally released. And that was before I even had breakfast!

Today I am skipping my two morning classes to stay home and rest and clean! Judge me if you will. It's great being with Lily too, even if she locks me in! She's already destroyed her room and she keeps trying to escape to go play outside. We're going to later, since it is officially spring.

Lacey's birthday was yesterday. She got a cell phone and a new kitten that she named Lena. She turned 11. We're taking her out tomorrow for a birthday dinner. I bought her a very cute top and some embroidered jeans that I know she'll love.

Oh and by the way, Andrew is going to college next year! He's gotten into two schools--one of them being Ole Miss. I'm very glad for him!!

Elizabeth wants me to go help her pick out a dress for her Daffodil Ball coming up. Gosh, I feel like I just went to one of those things.

Time goes by...


Jenna Bean said...

and you forgot to mention that you are seeing ME today...duhhh

kat said...

haha i've been there. literally locked in the flag room. maybe you should consider reversing the locks. haha.

can't wait to see you next weekend!

cal cal said...

oh poor thing. i forgot. damn flag room.