Thursday, March 30, 2006

I think I'm back

Well, it's been almost a month, hasn't it? At least two weeks... And I'm totally missing my blog! It was really messed up, but now its back.

Sadly, nothing extremely exciting is going on. I have about a month and a week left of school. This has definietly been my least favorite semester. The only perks are that its my first semester hanging out with my fellow GA state student Katie. And the fact that I feel like I am finally making some progress.

Work is fine. My favorite favorite manager left, but I'm cozying up with the others, and getting to know them better. We have a new one coming next week. But everything is just fine. It's been a little slow (less hours) but it picked up this week. I got more than usual.

Lily is fabulous fabulous! She's a year and a half...oh my goodness. She is just the funniest, sweetest, cutest thing. I will admit, she's a brat sometimes, but she is just the looove of my life!

Shane is doing fine. He's going to Las Vegas in a few weeks, so he will have a really really fun time. I'm jealous!

Other than that, nothing. Just life.

It's great to be back!

What's ahead? Well tomorrow, I'm staying home, cleaning and all that jazz. RELAXING for once after going non stop all week! Hopefully getting something going for tomorrow night. Looking forward to the weekend!

Leave me some comments now that I am back! :)


kat said...

i'm so happy your back! And I'm glad to hear everything is going so well. Talk to you later.

Jenna Bean said...

It's about damn time...haha looking forward to tonight! (and possibly the 22nd)