Monday, April 10, 2006

Best week EVER

Hey everyone...

It's the start of a fresh new week, and I'm determined to be more positive and have a better attitude this week. Last week was just too stressful!

This weekend WAS pretty fun. We weren't home much. Friday we had a cookout with Shane's aunt and uncle, and then Shane went out with Brandon for a bit. Saturday, I went shopping in the morning, and then went to see Lacey's play The Wizard of Oz. She was the cutest munchkin--"Follow the yellow brick road!" Then my mommy took me to Atlanta Bread Company. That night, Shane and I babysat his cousins over night,and we attempted to go to church in the morning, but the rest of the family took too long ot get ready, and we missed it...ugh! So the rest of the day was spent cleaning up his cousins house and then cleaning up my own house.

My first class is canceled this morning, so I'm soo excited! I don't have to leave here till 9, which is nice. I'm picking up my schedule from work on the way in, and then i have classes till 2 45. Tonight, we are going to the Braves game with Josh. So that should be fun.

The rest of this week, I'm not sure. Saturday we may go to the Renaissance festival. And Sunday is easter, so I need to buy lily an easter basket soon!

Cheers to hoping for a good week....!


Travis said...

one of these people is having the best week ever...who will it be? score lily some of the reese's peanut butter eggs. that's my personal recommendation.

Jenna Bean said...

Maybe you could sneak in a little visit to me??

Jenna Bean said...

i believe it's time for an update missy

kat said...

did you go to the renaissance festival? Did Lily get a baby turkey leg?

Hope you had a good easter!