Friday, May 05, 2006

Posting the Obligatory Update

Well, I haven't posted in a long time. I'm not really sure what to say, or what's happened since last time. Nothing exciting. I'm craving something fantastic, some sort of adventure.

Monday was my last day of classes. I had two exams on Wednesday, and in between all that, I worked Tuesday and Thursday. Today, I have to go downtown and register for this TLC program in lieu of getting a ticket and points on my license for my wreck. Blah.

I need to start doing some fun things for myself. Ever since I moved out here, I've just hung around Douglasville all weekend. It's getting really routine, and I've come to find out theres DRAMA out here with all these people too. Of course I love Shanes family to death, but all our other new friends--who are youngish, but still older than us-- it's just--drama! And the last thing I need is to start getting myself in trouble.

I need some feedback from friends, or some invites to do stuff. Next week I have 2 exams Monday and then I'm off work till Friday. Anyone want to see me?


kat said...

Callie!! You have to come see my new apartment! I have to work tuesday and thursday so do you want to have lunch on wednesday perhaps?

Travis said...

dude. sell the place in d-ville and move to the ghetto with us. we're hood rich. for real.


Jenna Bean said...

Cal, come see me on Sunday...also we can do something on Thursday alll day! Leave Lil with Shane...he owes it to ya!

Anonymous said...

It's like Wisteria lane...except in douglasville

Jenna Bean said...

I especially love the comment, "Oh, I only had 5 beers...I'm alright." Damn, you're good.

Jenna Bean said...
