Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas cheers for...

Lily's expensive Dora 4 wheeler-our gift to her, that she's too afarid to ride.

The end of the semester- and cheers for 3 As and a B+!! My best grades ever.

Dinner with friends--I'd forgotten how much I love you all and how much I missed you!

Starbucks giftcards. Delicious!

A trip to Florida-Marco Island to be exact. A week of fun in the sun, relaxation, and away from everything that clouds our minds every day.

Family--immediate and extended.

A week or so off from work-and great managers who agree to give me the needed time off.

New relationships--or more likely, the friends in our lives who have them. That happy "lovey-dovey" stage, as Shane and I try to remember what it's like to flirt. If offering to hold Lily's diaper bag a new pick up technique?

Douglasville's attempt at a "Pigeon Forge Christmas"--complete with the gaudy light shows and the blaring of Christmas music from someone's back porch at midnight.

Lily's new books-it's not even 10 am, and I have memorized "Puss and Boots."

Shane, Lily, and I leave for Marco Island on Saturday, and we'll return next friday! Merry Christmas everyone!!


kat said...

I'm so happy for your good grades, mine were my best too, we must be good influences on each other!

have a good vacation, and call me when you get back to hang out!

Jenna Bean said...

You need to update...soon.

Andy said...

What a boring blog it never gets updated...

kat said...

i miss your blog.