Thursday, April 20, 2006

Weekend Widow

Viva Los Vegas! ~Shane's quote for about the past week.

Well, since my last post, things have not gone well. I already wrote about my first wreck on 75 that was my fault, didn't I? Well, Tuesday, some guy rear-ended me and lily when I was driving to work around 6 15 am. He attempted to offer me 20 bucks, but I smartly called the cops. So now I have to pick up THAT police report tomorrow in Powder Springs.

Yesterday, my battery, which was messed up from my FIRST accident, finally died. So I couldn't go to school yesterday. Another damn day missed, I have been the worst student ever this semester. I emailed my teacher since my rough draft was due, but I haven't heard from her. I'll have my mom look at my paper over the weekend, I suppose. Shane bought a new battery and replaced it.

I have my traffic court date Monday, so hopefully I will get my ticket thrown out. Worst case scenario, I take some defensive driving classes.

So now, Shane is gone. I'm just wanting some down time this weekend, and some peace of mind with school and with my damn car. Life just really is challenging sometimes, but I'm really really trying to have a better attitude. Sorry about all the complaining above, I really needed to let myself look at everything that was bothering me, and lay it on the table.

Have a good one.


kat said...

shane's in las vegas? that's fun for him.

That was smart to not take the 20 bucks. Was he drunk, 20 bucks? that doesn't make sense.

yes, we really need to get together this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it Las not Los?

Defensive Driving probably sucks...did you get points on your license? Geez sounds like Driver's Ed all over again...

Jenna Bean said...

You are seeing me this :-)

cal cal said...

sorry Las Vegas, not Los.